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Visit these sites to find automatic store front online programs. These are programs already online and ready to go. All you need to do is set up your site, load the products, and begin managing your new business. These are ideal for smaller business enterprises. All prices are taken from August 29, 1999 research.
Yahoo's Storefront Service Do you want re-assurance? This site has developed excellent e-commerce sites for everything from professional football & baseball teams to Art.com. Check out this link for a large list of reference web sites built through the Yahoo storefront program. They allow a maximum of 50 items for $100.00 per month. The sites are customizable & everything is managed/maintained by the Storefront provider. They offer a free 10 day trial offer if you would like to see what they can do for you. If you choose this site, you will also get a free listing on Yahoo's Storefront - A top place to go for internet shopping. (That alone may justify your $100.00/month.)
Shop Builder I-Cat Another attractive storefront option is ICat. I-Cat offers complete storefront operation for only $9.95 a month or just $100 per year for stores with fewer than 10 items. You can also choose to just buy the shopping cart option if you already have a web site. This site is a good site and definitely worth checking out.
A HREF="http://www.opensite.com"> Open Site - How to Build an Auction Site
Canned Stores For those of you who want to "build a mall" on the internet but don't have a product or the interest in doing it all yourself, there are a number of web sites that offer canned storefronts at your disposal. These are basically the electronic equivalent of good old fashioned franchises. Check out the following for some examples of this:
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Streamline Fog Dog This site will set up a pre-built sporting good store franchise for your site. You receive a percentage of the sales as profit. Pay Someone to Build it for You Market Suite Don't even want to build it by yourself? This site will build your site for you on an electronic storefront for $149.00 plus monthly maintenance fees. Please also refer back to our Consultant Page for other designers who will do the same. Some even offer similar online monthly management programs.
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