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Background:What are Submissions Agents?:Submissions agents are either people or programs who (or which) submit your site to search engines, directories, portals, key link places, and similar web locations.What do they Do?:Submissions agents can vary in a number of ways.
How do I know what to get? consider the following:
Things to Watch ForUnderstand What Size MeansRemember, when it comes to submission locations, size is not always the key factor. You may be thinking, the one with the cheapest price and the most engines is the best one to choose. But that is not necessarily so. The ones that offers 100s of listings tends to include speciality sites in their tallies. Look at the lists of the locations where they will place your web site. You may actually see 80 out of the 100 that don't really apply to your particular web site. Suddenly, that specialty service that offered free personalized placement in the top 20 search engines and places that offer targeted campaigns look pretty appealing. On the other hand, if your site is a general interest site with massive appeal and you need a "kick start" massive placement program to get you going. this could be perfect. Or, if your site is a speciality site which is covered in the one that offers 800 submissions, but not by the one that offers 200, you may need to go the 800 route.
How many times will you need to do this?If you anticipate a number of submissions in your company's future and you really want an automated system to do this, you may want to check into some software programs. For example, Real Spider gives you space for 1,000 search engines and directory listings. You may pay up front, but it pays off in the long run, and you can customize it to meet your company's placement needs. You can also use it to prepare press release statements.
How many URL's do you have?Some places charge by the # of URLs.
How long should I Wait?Some search engines have up to a 2 week wait period. Others link right away. Most submissions agents ask you to submit your payment up front prior to service being rendered.
How thorough do you want to be?Most automated agents are great and an excellent resource to have to get your sited listed in a large number of sites as fast as possible. But they are limited. If you start to review independent criteria for search engine submissions, you will begin to notice that they are all different. Many will just ask for your URL. In that case, an automated system is great. However some will get specific on you. Yahoo for example, asks you to pick the page where your site belongs first, then register it. Other services may ask for a description and keywords. Some may limit those to a set number. If this is a case, you would want to pick the words that best emphasize your web site. In these types of situations, an automated system may fall short. It does what it says it does. And it does a great job of it. But there may be times when you need to "get specific". How much time do you have?Submission never ends with the entry of your site into a submissions form. That is only the beginning. You then must go through the process of watching for your site to show up at the stated search locations, checking to insure it is coming up for the right keywords, and re-entering your site where it is not showing up. You will also want to do quarterly follow ups and re-submit your site everytime there is a major change. You may also need to submit individual sub sections of your site and press release type statements. You will want to run link popularity checks to find out where it is being linked to. You will need to monitor your site to find out where people are finding you. Where you see holes, you may need to go back and re-submit it. If you don't have a lot of time, you may want to go through a place that guarantees listings and follow ups. Even if you have to pay for it. It can save you a lot of time. Remember this, no matter how much money you save, how effective is your site if it is not being viewed by its intended audience? The money you spend will come back to you in more business and better visibility for your web site. Also, if you find a free service you really like, continue to go back there and tell others about it. The free services can only stay free by attracting advertising dollars to their site. This comes from high volume vistors. So a great way to thank someone who has provided that service to you is to bring in more business to their web site. (Or use the other services they might offer.)
Chart of Submissions AgentsBelow you will find a chart of submissions agents listed by price (free or fee) and type of service offered (automated, customized). If you are aware of one that is not listed on this site, please contact me at Azurii and we will add it to the list. Also, if you have any questions not answered in this fact sheet, email me at the same address and I will try to answer those for you. Azurii also supplies submission services in three varieties (automated, directory, and customized specialized services.) on site. Please check out the On Site Submission Services Page for details. Use this link to return to the Promotions Directory . Use this link if you would like to see the Meta Tags Fact Sheet Use this link if you would like to see the Search Engines Submissions Guide . This page also gives you a chart of the top search engines submission facts and information. Use this link if you would like more information on how search engines catalog web sites, Meta Tags That Work, Part 2 . (Look towards the bottom of this page.)
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If you have questions regarding this page or wish to submit your URL for consideration, please send an email to azurii@yahoo.com . If you are submitting a URL, indicate which page you would prefer it to be listed. Also include a description and keywords if your URL lacks meta tags.
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