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According to Net Ratings (11/01/00), surfers spend an average of 50 seconds per page on the internet.
Azurii Designs Submissions Services
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Chart of What Search Engines Require
The following is a chart of what each top search engine requires for submission. To visit the general search engines page, Click Here .
Search Engine |
What it Requires |
Extra Info |
Hot Bot |
URL and Email Address |
Do you want to see a search engine that does it all fast and easily? This site can run a variety of different searches at the touch of a button. |
Northern Light |
URL, Email Address, Name, |
Only need to provide top page URL, robot will find the rest. Obeys standard robot protocols. 1 page minimum. + to regular features: also searches by industry and by publications, and has side files you can click w/related resources to compliment your query. Can |
Galaxy |
email, title, URL, document language, start and end, info type, topic, description |
Charges \$25.00 fee for priority indexing w/in 30 days. |
Netscape |
short and long description, 10 keywords, category, purpose of site, country |
Uses Register -It's form. It uses other search engines for searches |
Go To |
You pick where you want your site placed (what keywords). Bid on top placement. |
Go To offers a unique set up similar to click through banner placement. It even offers a place where you can search keywords to see what are the most popular terms for your site and it offers a place where you can see what were the most popular terms searched for in the prior month. |
Open Directory Project |
Find appropriate category, list site there. |
"Once your site has been accepted into the Open Directory, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search, AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc. We make updates of the data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule."
Yahoo |
URL, find appropriate category, title, brief description with 25 or fewer words (200 characters), list other categories that apply, suggest new ones, and a place for other comments. |
Don't use all caps, keep brief, official business names for title, do not include marketing slogans or superlatives such as "the best site on the web", no HTML tags, don't repeat title in description |
Infoseek |
URL, description, keywords |
50 page maximum. 1 URL/24 hours, 200 characters (approximately 15-20 words.) limit on descriptions, 1000 characters limit on keywords, for frames submit separately also (spiders cannot read through frames), you can check the status of your submission, also has tip page 'how we choose sites at Infoseek' (by editor's review, value, traffic volume to site, and number of links to site.) and it has a meta tag guide. Suggests highly descriptive keywords, description, and title with commas separating lists. don't repeat words |
Excite |
URL, Email Address, Country, Language, Select a Category |
Allow for 2 weeks. Once site submitted spider will recheck it every two weeks. They do not use Keyword meta tags. They will use your description tag over their own description, if you include one. They offer a nice help reference section with info on adding your site, finding your site, improving your ratings, understanding ratings, updating, and restricting indexing. They suggest you include all major topic information on your cover page to improve your better rankings. |
Lycos |
URL, Email |
Add each page. Allow for 2-3 weeks, 2 level spider, "and", "percentage", "equal", "money", or "question mark" signs, spider checks your site, if not up for four weeks - it deletes it. |
Web Crawler |
full URL |
Allow for 2 weeks. Add individual sub sections yourself (but not everypage - just major sections.), make sure important info. on index page and in title (these get more weight.) Do not spam. Those docs will be avoided. If CGI or dynamically generated URLs add a static one for indexing. If frames, add no frames code for indexing.Web Crawler indexes sites for keywords (up to 1mb) so don't need keyword metas. If no title, they use URL. |
Net Find |
Only submit one URL - it will index the rest. Indexes full text of page so don't need keywords. Automatically generates summaries or descriptions. They index sites every 2 weeks. It automatically crawls through your site for changes. |
NBCi.Com |
Pick Cateogry, Submit URL |
Title, URL, Description (255 characters), Keywords (10), web designer's name (optional), city (optional), your relationship to web site. |
Handilinks |
Go to Category and topic path, enter info. |
Allow time for indexing. Special fee-based packages for bold listings (\$1/week), banners, buttons, page sponsorship, or feature sites links and buttons. |
Search King |
Frames site so you must click the "submit button". Enter area code, email, title, URL, description, keywords, |
You can edit description yourself in the future.
Determines rank by relevancy and interest. Every time someone clicks on your site, you get points. More points, more relevancy. (title and description very important.) Viewer votes on your site. If you are getting a lot of no votes for a certain keyword, go in and edit your keywords or description. Commas yes, caps - don't worry, 250 character max for keywords (approximately 25 words.), 150 character max for title (approximately 20 words.). 250 for description (approximately 25 words).
Village Links |
title, URL, category, keywords, telephone area code, zip code, country, email address |
25 word max description. They present new sites for each search randomly. (Everyone gets equal chance of being presented.) |
Link Master |
title, URL, Decription |
Does your web site use java, VRML, audio, video, chat?, subject? email address, let others add link to your site. |
Euroseek |
Submission acct with name and password |
You maintain acct info. You tell spider to re-index your site when changes have been made |
Keyword -
| submit your site. |
Runs keyword searches. Searches 6 search engines. |
LookSmart -
| submit your site to each page that applies. |
Allows 145 character descriptions (10 - 20 words.), 80 character keywords (8 - 12 words), 35 character titles. |
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Try it Free! 9 Top Search Engines
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By Web Site Garage
Search Engine Guide.Com
Search Engine Watch.Com
Search Engines.Com
Web Places.Com Index of Searh Engines
Search Engine Courses.Com
ZDNET's "A Guide to Robots, Spiders, and Other Shady Denizens on the Web!"
Net Ratings.Com
This Nielson's/Net Ratings.Com site gives you top 10 information, time spent on each page, time spent on the internet and more.
Media Metrix.Com
Along with Nielson, Media Metrix is one of the most respected sites on the internet for Top 10 information. They post a weekly list.
100 Hot Lists of Hot Web Sites
This site is excellent for thorough breakdowns of Top 10's by categories. A great site to see who your competition is.
GoTo's top 100 Search Terms
This is a great site to find out which terms are most commonly used to search your subject area.
Keyword Wizard.Com
Add Me.com
Submit to 30 top sites for free plus free articles & newsletter.
Jim Tools
Offers free submission to over 144 directories, 46 search engine sites, a WAP free submission area, and a 1,600 FFA submission site.
Site Owner.Com
Offers free submission to Alta Vista, Hot Bot, Excite, Lycos, InfoSeek, & Web Crawler.
Free submission to European sites.
Net Promote
Offers a free service to the top 20 search engines
Submit @
Submit to 20 top sites for free.
Scrub the Web.com
Free easy submit to 29 Top Search Engines
The Promoter.com
Power submit to 38 Search Engine Sites & 7,000 FFA's. Free with ad placement.