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11. Give Out Awards from Your Site :Azurii Promotion Network's Directory will also connect you to a list of award hot spots. Giving out awards is another way to advertise your site at other people's web sites while helping to promote other quality web sites and innovations. Once again, name recognition is a main driving force here. It is also a good idea to apply your site to award sites to gain recognition for your own site.12. Adding Services to Your Site to Build Customer Loyalty :NUA Surveys Directory reports that most people visiting search engines now are looking for more than search words. These sites have mastered the value added services concept. Go to any major search engine now and you will find your own personal email, web site, travel agent, store, weather reports, t.v. guides, travel guides, etc. Who does this best? According to this Relevant Knowledge survey, Yahoo with 47% return customer loyalty in a given month.. What are the statistics? NUA Surveys Directory reports that only 30% of portal visitors are coming for the searching services. 70% are visiting for the value added benefits. What is the return? According to Relevant Knowledge, Yahoo sees an average of 161 minutes spend per loyal customer at their web site in a given month. ( Excite is second with 160 minutes.)13. Offer Your Services to a Free Host Site:Tripod and places like it demonstrate another way to generate more sales to your site. At Tripod you can add stores like CD Now and Barnes and Noble to your web site. They also offer a free search engine from Lycos and other special linking and affiliate opportunities.14. Offer Free Services in Exchange for a Banner at Another's Site: Site Tracker has found another way to get more banners on the web. They offer a free site tracker service to customers in exchange for a free banner display on your web site.15. Advertise Your Site at A Sporting Event: Seen any good games lately? I did, at a recent basketball game, a banner "visit NBA Online at nba.com" streamed across the bench table area for everyone to see throughout the game. Talk about effective advertising of your web site if you can afford it. Your audience is not only the 79 million people over 16 who are on the internet (in the U.S. alone according to Commerce Net .), but also the potential 125 million more who could go on in future years. The more they see your name now in traditional advertising venues, the faster they will turn to your site when they get on the web or need your product or service later.16. Go International: Net 101 offers their web site in multiple languages. This site comes in Dutch, Spanish, Slovene, French, Czech, German, Russian, and Italian. If you would like translation services at your web site, visit Azurii's Promotions Directory for links to places that can do this for you.17. How about a little noise?Intelliclicks Offers audio banner displays with their banner exchange service. Enliven offers integrated sound samples at their web site. (See the Cover Girl Lipstick example). Wiz Labs also offers sound on banners displays. See Azurii Designs Audio Sample for another example of an audio banner.18. What about multi-media?:As people realize more and more the potential for banner and internet ads, you will begin to see some hot new designs and sales concepts. Obviously, the biggest bridge to cross is download time. How about a little radio-like audio message that plays from your site upon a mouseover? Or a t.v.-mini commercial that plays at your banner upon mouseover? This 3/26/99 Ad Resource Article discusses the importance of interactive ads, citing to a Millward Brown / Hot Wired Study with download of entire study. Need some proof that interactive/multi-media, or "rich media" ads work? Check out this quote from that article:"The Novell advertisement in the study experienced a 32 percent increase in brand perception using a banner powered by Macromedia's Flash. Intel's brand image increased 15 percent with a pink-plasma Java animation banner. The study also found that 61 percent of the survey population noticed rich media ads and remembered them, versus 30 percent of the control population, which viewed an animated GIF banner. All three advertisers in the study realized a 340 percent increase in clickthrough with rich media." The closest thing I have seen to this yet has come from Enliven's design services. Active Ads also creates interactive ads like order from ads, games, etc. If you want more info. on this, Turbo Ads.com is a great place to look. This page is a list of web sites that accept special ads like java, HTML, javascript, VRML, shockwave, active ads, enliven, realaudio, microsites, HTML and java most popular universally. Shockwave and enliven is also hot. Here is an example of an ad where you can order 4 books from banner. Wiz Labs Cool Banners both claim that these services will be offered in the future from their site. 360 Banners offers shockwave services but there were no samples as of 3/30/99. Intervu has the best video streaming examples. Oz provides Fluid 3d animation samples. 19. Use Banner Ads that Give Viewers Chance to Interact with BannersOnce again, the Enliven web site is an incredible site to visit for examples of interactive banner designs. They make banners where you can print out a product sheet from the banner itself, order a product through a secured order form on the banner itself, click which button you prefer and be directed to a specialized product marketing page, mouseover the banner and see a 2/3 page advertisement pop out, and apply different shades of lipstick to a pair of lips. This site is top notch and winner of the Azurii 5 Star Award for Excellence. Definitely worth your time to visit.Virtual TAG banner also makes interactive and vrml/3d looking banner ads. Visit your site and see banners that allow you to move objects across the banner. Visit Azurii Designs Special Banner Pages for a sample of a pulldown menu banner made by Azurii. 20. Expandable Banner Ads: While we are on the subject of interactivity and banner efficiency, how about a banner ad that converts to a mini full page advertisement upon mouseover??? Enliven can do this for you. You may also want to check out this Clickz Article dated 10/28/98 about a product coming out from 9th market.
Please follow this site for more updates on what is new, effective, or creative in the field of internet advertising. If you have suggestions, comments, or sites you would like to get reviewed by this site, please send an email to azuriidesigns@yahoo.com
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