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Azurii Banner Design Services Online Free Banner Makers Designed To a T Free drawn images for your site. Jim's Cool Icons free photograph images for your site Media Builder's Button Maker Gif Works' Image special effects and optimizer Banner Reference Materials Links to Banner Ad Servers Azurii's Promotion Directory Main Page Intelliclick's Audio Banner Exchange |
As you can see, banners are big business. Do you get frustrated because your site won't show up at the top of a search engine? Invest in a $100.00 advertisement and you are guaranteed top billing every time that page is searched for the amount of impressions you purchase. (See Link Exchange for inexpensive ad rates at top search engines.) I have heard of companies that have had their whole system go down during a front page ad presentation on a top site like Yahoo, they had so many unexpected visitors.
How about a monthly ad run at a top trade site? There are thousands of trade sites in your field waiting for you to advertise. Just 1,000 impressions guarantees that 1,000 people who are specifically interested in your product have now seen your name and what you can offer them. Now that is targeted product advertising! You may even be able to work out special banner swapping arrangements with certain sites and sponsorship arrangements. Offer free click banner buttons and boxes and you could receive permenant free exposure on some top trade sites in your industry. (See, Azurii Click Button Services for more on button and box design.)
Yes, if you can't get what you need for free. Look at what Adam Boettiger has to say about this in a Smart Clickz article entitled "Why Isn't My Online Advertising Working?" dated 12/15/98. (Mr. Boettiger has been involved in online advertising since its inception in 1995.)
"If you're one who shops for the lowest design rates, try not to look at site design or ad creative as an expense. Look at it as an investment in your business. How well your business does online is dependent on a combination of factors, but site design and the online ad campaign that brings customers to your site are two that should be the highest on your list. They are not the most optimum places to trim the fat from your budget"
His article goes on to state that the $400.00 you try to save on quality banner design could result in $1,000's of dollars in lost customers and customer purchases. This is really true. This does not mean that a free or inexpensive banner ad isn't a good ad. There are plenty of very sharp free services and banner designers who kindly offer their services at reduced rates. Please visit our Online Free Automatic Banner Makers site for some examples of quality free services.
The key is style not money, when determining what is best for you. Find the place that can best design your advertisements to meet your needs in terms of look, design, and functionality. If you are in doubt, ask us. At Azurii, even when we cannot do what you are looking for, we can still find it for you. It is our job to stay in touch with the banner advertising market. Put that skill to work for you.
If it costs a little more and you can do it, pay the fee. Consider this an investment in your web site's future. The extra amount you spend now will be returned to you in terms of new visitors and profits for years to come. Plus, a good banner can be re-used for years.
Speaking of prices, what does Azurii charge you ask? Azurii has surveyed over 20 internet banner makers web sites. We found prices ranging from free to $1,000.00. The going rate for static ads ranges from $10 to $300. We saw a number of places that could do a static design banner for around $50.00. For animated banners, the prices again varied from $10.00 to $800.00. Many of the top specialized design firms did not list actual prices, but encouraged you to contact their site for more information. We will be presenting an actual reference page of other designers, so check back for updates. We believe that the combination of this professional designers reference site and our online banner site will give you a number of options to choose from.
Azurii charges a flat $100.00 fee to develop a banner for you. This is based on the assumption that it will take at least 5 to 8 hours to a whole day or two to develop the right look for your web site. We do not guarantee two hour delivery. In fact, we will warn you right now, at Azurii, we take the time to do it right. It may take a couple of days to bring about the right design for your web site and we won't compromise that. A banner is just too important to rush through the process. It is your main selling point and represents everything your web site stands for.
Plan at least a week or two in advance when contacting this site. This will also give you time to critique the results and decide whether you need something else done to it or would rather have a different look for your site. If you want a banner done fast, please tell us you have an emergency situation and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Whatever you choose to do, if we run across an easy banner, you will pay less. At Azurii, we are not out to make a buck. We are out to make a good, solid banner for you as reasonably priced as possible considering the time commitment involved in a typical banner layout. We believe that we can give you something better and something personal. We also believe that we can't do anything for anyone unless we can stay in business to do it. Our rates balance the desire to be reasonable, with the reality that a good campaign takes a long time to develop.
One final note regarding our rates. At Azurii, we do not charge differently for a static versus an animated design. As you can see by our samples, our static banners are not generic. We have found that with banner ads we invest the same amount of time and detail into setting up the design, regardless of whether it is animated or not. Are prices reflect this reality.
We also suggest focused, targeted ad campaigns. Design a special banner for every page you intend to invest money in advertising on. You have already made the financial commitment, make that investment a good one. Gear your banner to the specific market and style of the web site you have purchased advertising on.
For example, if you are a place that sells submissions downloads like Submit Wolf above, your site will attract more interest by creating a special technical ad for a site geared towards promotions professionals that distinguishes your product from others. However, that same product would be better serviced with a general educational introduction to submissions advertisement at a site geared towards the weekend promoter or promotions newbies.
At Azurii, you get handcrafted, personalized work and designs. All our banners are stamped with the Azurii Original label, so you know you are getting an authentic Azurii Design. We offer banner packages which include a complete set of one 468 x 60 banner, 125x60 box ad, and 88x31 button for a flat rate of $150.00, so you can build a whole promotions package for your site for under $200.00.
We also offer special deals to Link Buddies and Mega Banners banner exchange members. If you have not already done so, sign up now to include your banner at these banner exchanges for increased free exposures at other web sites. We have also designed a button advertisement for Free Banners banner exchange service.
Azurii Designs is very committed to charity. In fact, we ask that anyone who receives a free material benefit from our web site make a charitable contribution to one of the sites listed on our Charity site or to a charity of your own choosing. We are especially committed to helping address hunger problems and with promoting the work and the spirit of under priviledged youth. If you are involved with such a charity, please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. We can do free design work to help promote your cause.
We will also provide special services to small business start ups, nonprofits, and governmental agencies. Finally, if you are a sole page designer, we can help there too.
Azurii Design would also like to make its web sites and services more accessible to those with disabilities. If there is anything we can do to make this a better reading and service experience for you, please let us know, and we apologize for any inconvenience the current design of this web site may have caused. Ignorance is our excuse so please tell us how to design our site better for you. Thank you.
Azurii is also very committed to the arts. If you are trying to establish your presence as an artist of any sort, (music, drama, dance, art, etc.), Azurii will help you promote your work for free. All we ask is you keep doing what you are doing and when you get your first big break, remember those who helped you along the way and give to those less fortunate to help to keep the dream alive for them as well. Following your heart is never easy. We thank you for your dedication, perserverance, and for your commitment to sharing your softer side to those of us who need it. Your work is really appreciated! thank you.
If you would like to follow up on any of these service offers or would like Azurii to develop a banner ad campaign for you, please send an email to azurii@yahoo.com . Specify what you are interested in and we will help walk you through the process. All payments are processed through a third party check processing center so you know your private data is safe. Plus, if you would prefer, you can also choose to mail your check via U.S. mail. However, this will hold up development of your design as we will have to wait for receipt before we can begin the designing process. Thank you for visiting Azurii Designs. We look forward to helping you develop the best campaign for your web site.
Azurii Designs